1. I’m endlessly grateful that Rick and I are healing. His cysts were benign, and our sinus/ear mess is clearing up. It’s taking time, but it’s happening. Plus, I’ve learned that I’m not allergic to penicillin – it’s that we don’t always play well together, but that seems to have improved. Thanks be to God!
2. Mind your own business before it wallops you up the backside and forces you to mind it. Seriously, one thing I've learned over the past year or so is that the fewer opinions I have, the happier I am. And the first step to rectifying this is to attend to your own affairs and let everybody else attend to theirs. You get in trouble when you start getting in other peoples' business and neglect your own.
3. If anybody thinks you’re weird, they need to take a look in the mirror. Everybody has some weird in them. Don’t fear your own. They envy your confidence at being yourself without fear or anxiety. Too many people are scared of themselves and specifically, what makes them different from others. I don’t understand why this is. If we are fearfully and wonderfully made, then shouldn’t we appreciate what makes every individual unique? And yet, society doesn’t. We all have unique knowledge, skills, and abilities to contribute to the world. What’s wrong with appreciating that in ourselves and others?
4. The Lord teaches us patience in ways that speak to us. I said two entries ago that there are lessons you learn from illness and injury that you don’t learn other places – that’s true for me, but I’m coming to realize that if we are unique, then unique things speak those lessons to each of us. For me, it’s through physical ailments. In others, I’ve seen it come through personal circumstances, relationships, work issues, life ruts, constant change, (seemingly) insurmountable odds, financial difficulties, or patiently enduring others who are dealing with illness or issues of their own (which is a lot easier when you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS). I may get sick a lot, but my life is peaceful compared to others who never get sick, but struggle with constant drama or circumstances frustrating them all of the time. Everybody gets those lessons – it’s just in whatever way speaks humility to the soul.
5. I love Windows 10. I tell you not to fear it, because it is wonderfully designed. My laptop runs like a brand new machine. Block out an evening to install it because it takes a while, but it’s well worth it.
So there’s my wisdom for the week. I hope you find some light of inspiration in it. Next time, Indie Author Summer continues with a review of Posts From the Perch.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great week.