Shelving white isn’t practical when you live in a place where it’s already in the 80’s. Besides, how can I be dark and dour when the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and pollen is tinting the world a hazy shade of yellow? I don’t think taking joy in a beautiful day is wrong just because the date falls before the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. In fact, isn’t that why He died for us- so we can have life and enjoy it, and so our joy could be complete? Then why hold back?
I’d love to think of myself as a radical non-conformist, but the truth is that I don’t think anybody noticed. Frankly, I wonder how many of them even know or remember this old fashion rule, or the reason behind it. Even if they do, what difference does it make? While I understand the symbolism behind the “no white before Easter” rule, this is a place where it’s ok to break with convention. It doesn’t hurt or disrespect anybody to open your wardrobe when the weather calls for it.
So often, we twist ourselves up worrying about things that don’t make a difference, and we shouldn’t do that. Wouldn’t you rather spend your energy enjoying life to the fullest? So enjoy your wardrobe, and be glad to be free from that long, cold winter that plagued us, even if it’s just for a little while.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.