Seriously, it was great to get away. I took a few pictures and posted them to my Flickr account. It's not many, but it gives you an idea of how nice it was. No doubt, I'll be adding many more pictures to that when we go to Washington D.C. later in the year. Our next trip will definitely be longer, as this one reminded us of how much good it does us to get away. I know the people around here aren't happy to hear that but hey, they take a week or longer and don't apologize for that!
I promise I'll be back later in the week with a better entry. I'll have my annual season finale roundup around mid-week, once the finale of Supernatural airs and I get my thoughts together. I know Game of Thrones is still in progress, but I'm not waiting - it's close enough to the end anyway to get a good idea of where it's at, plus I finished reading A Storm of Swords on vacation, so, well, I pretty much know what's coming anyway. (I promise no spoilers, though!). And if by chance they surprise us, I can do a separate entry for it. That entry will also include my summer plans now that TV is off the weekly agenda (which almost always includes reading and writing). Look for that mid to late week.
As for today, I was off work, but am just sitting down. It's been laundry, groceries, cage cleaning, house cleaning, car cleaning, chores and errands all day long. So much for a day off! Well, at least it's done, and that should make the rest of the week easier.
One more thing: don't forget that Chloe's birthday is tomorrow! It's actually the anniversary of the day we adopted her in 2010. We want to surprise her with a birthday wishes shower. If you're on Twitter, please send a Happy Hatch Day or Happy Gotcha Day to @ChloeConure . Thanks!
Take care and have a great week. More later.