Not only that, but people define friendships based on agreement with political opinions. The 2016 election probably broke more relationships than any other one in history, and it hasn’t gotten better. I’ve heard many people say that friends have broken ties or dropped them on social media because of a disagreement over politics. I’ve seen it myself. I’m a political moderate. You’d think that wouldn’t offend anybody, right? Wrong. I had strong personal reasons to lean left in our state elections last year, and somebody I was friends with for many years blocked me because “it was difficult to deal with.”
Really? My personal reasons were difficult to deal with, but I didn’t drop anybody over them. I dealt with them the best I could, appreciate the support of those who knew the details, and moved on. Thank the Lord those reasons have passed, which is the nature of life. All things do pass in time. It’s just sad that people define relationships based solely on worthless opinions and temporary circumstances. I agree with the pastor who said that relationships are the most important thing in life. Yes, you do have to be discerning about who you allow in your “inner circle.” Yes, you do need boundaries. They’re imperative to preserve those relationships. But you should also treat all people, no matter whether inner or outer circle, with equal respect. If you’re a republican who tolerates your sibling being a democrat, but you drop a friend over opinions on climate change, then you’re a hypocrite. Being a decent human being knows no political party or conditions. Admit the real reason why you tolerate something out of one person but not out of another so you can deal with your issues and not do that crap again. It's damaging!
Well! There’s some entertaining fodder for my muse to work with on my fiction in the near future.
I know, I just spent two weeks talking about issues we need to address, but those are issues we ALL need to address. I think one reason why politics are such a hell-raising issue is because we’re relying on politicians to do too much for us. We want them to do things that we should be doing ourselves.
How about getting out there and doing what you can for the causes you believe in, instead of getting into debates with people you don’t personally know on social media? Positive action is always beneficial, no matter how small it might be. Just registering to vote could very well be a step in the right direction, if enough people follow their heart instead of screaming about it.
Whatever you think that right direction is, anyway. I don’t debate politics. That’s an argument nobody ever wins. We’re all equally blind and stupid in that way, because too much relies on opinion – and you know what they say about opinions. Everybody has one.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.