Even dropping out of the day to day and just taking the break at home can be a miracle. I've been off work since Wednesday, and it's the simple things that have been luxurious: not waking up to an alarm clock bleeting in my ear, being able to do my chores and errands in the middle of the day without squeezing them into a lunch hour or juggling them around dinner and workouts at night, wearing jeans on a Thursday, going to the movies on a Friday, having time to revise 30 chapters of your work-in-progress in three days. I was actually in my chair to watch an entire episode of D.C. Legends of Tomorrow last night without missing the first 5-10 minutes like I usually do in a haste to finish a workout, shower, and fold laundry in that "sliver of time" between dinner and 8 p.m. And I pulled it off because I was able to finish my laundry by 5:00. Sweet.
Yes, office workers need spring break too. Heck, all working adults need spring break! And if you aren't blessed enough to work in the education industry and get it, then you have to just take it. Nobody else is going to look out for you. You have to do it yourself. And don't let them make you feel bad about it. In fact, if people guilt you, that's more reason why you need it. Cut the co-dependency and take a break. I don't see anybody else saying "no thanks" to their vacation time.
I know that breaking the chains these three days has been a tremendous blessing. It's inspiring ...
That's all today. Take care, and have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.