First up – what do you do when you run low on lethal injection chemicals? The South Carolina legislature is considering a throw back to way back in the day: firing squads. If technology fails, I suppose you do have to go back to old ways, but seriously, is the electric chair broken or dismantled? Surely, we have some educated, skilled people in this state that could get it up and running again. Seriously, nothing says redneck like a line of dudes with shotguns dispensing justice. And sadly, our State Law Enforcement Division would probably be flooded with applications for that job. All we have to do is implement the fast track that Texas has on executions, and we’re set to get a good portion of our population back to work, eh? Maybe this could be a win-win.
*Sigh* Personally , if we’re doing the throwback thing, then why not do trial by combat, like in Game of Thrones? That takes skill, and is entertaining to boot. Unless you’re the loser, of course.
Then again, it may all be a moot point of the other bill that raised eyebrows to do away with concealed weapons permits and let anybody carry, whether they've had firearms training or not, passes. If anybody that wants a gun can have one and take it anywhere, that's going to thin out the ranks quite a bit, don't you think? We may see real, live vigilante justice in the streets of SC, but I doubt it translates to what we see on the superhero shows that are popular now. This idea isn't only stupid, it's dangerous - and I'm not saying that because Rick and I had to sit through a 13 hour class to get ours. (That's right - 13 hours. They have to be at least 8 hours, but our instructor erred very much on the side of caution). Handling firearms isn't a casual interest - you must know what you're doing and how it operates. If they pass this, then they need to allow open carry, because I want to see these people coming.
Next on my chuckle list is Creflo Dollar saying the devil is trying to discredit him. Sir, the devil is trying to discredit us all. It’s nothing personal. I’m not sure why Michael had to throw Satan to Earth when there were countless other fine planets to hurl his sorry butt to. I believe Uranus would have made a much more entertaining, efficient, and fun target. But be that as it may, it is what it is, and Satan is a problem for every human being on the planet, except the ones that don't care and are happy to do his bidding, which makes even bigger problems for the rest of us. That being said, we can also be our own problem, and frankly, Mr. Dollar, I believe that your fixation on that new jet may be more of a sign that you’re going ku-ku for Coco Puffs than the devil doing stuff.
Do it like we all do it, Mr. Dollar. Take it to the Lord in prayer – not to the Internet to make it worse. And by the way, I wish I got a sabbatical. Us normal folks call that "retirement."
And finally, I saw an interesting bumper sticker on my way in to work. It read: “I use multi-million dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods.” What?
Well, at least the crazies are entertaining this time, which somewhat helps me to recover from the aggravations that rained on me last week. So let’s give thanks for the small things and hope that maybe, if it doesn’t turn all the way for good at once, then it can at least make us laugh.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a Happy Friday and wonderful weekend.