On the other hand, I also feel for the employees left behind. It's tough when the boss leaves. Things always change. I've been to a lot of retirement parties, but it was so obvious that those guys were sad to see him go. I could tell they were genuine in their praise and well wishes, and that they miss him. But they're in good hands. Great hands, really, because Dad's partner is every bit the hard worker and has the dedication to keep it going well. They're a great group and I know they'll do well.

My other writing project, the sequel to Move titled Rearview Mirror, really took off this week. I wrote 4 chapters, and planned out the rest of the plot. God willing, if creeks don't rise, with luck, knock on wood, I hope to have the rough draft done by the end of March. It's finally taking off and moving in a direction I like. I've been a little frustrated with this one, because it's only been coming to me in bits and pieces since I started it on New Year's Day, but thank the Lord, I finally had the breakthrough to see the bigger picture and get it together this week! So far, so good. I'm running with it while I can. And, of course, I'll keep you posted.

So that's it - the miscellaneous fun stuff that was my week. Maybe not as interesting and photogenic as my Misc Fun Stuff board on Pintrest but meh, that's life for you. Maybe this silly video from days gone by will make it all more interesting.
That's all today. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend and an excellent start to the new week.