I'm being silly. It seems that since I've been working full time, I go through a reorganization or some sort of move about every 5 years. Twice it's been a move to a new building, and the last time was to a whole new department. Every other time, it's been a bit less intensive - moving your office from here in this work group to there in that work group up the hall. And that's what it is this time. I'm still with the same department, but my two main boards of landscape architecture and soil classifying are moving to another work group with two different, smaller boards. So I'm moving from the design group with architects and engineers to a more science-type group with Environmental Certification and Forestry. It's actually part of a major agency-wide reorganization. I signed the paperwork yesterday, and this move could happen as soon as next week. I've actually known about it for a while, but didn't want to tell it until I was more certain. Well, it's certain! So here I go again.
You know, last Sunday the pastor gave a sermon about how the only unchanging thing is change, and it was very timely. It's the only constant in the universe, and in life things are always on the move, whether it's the slow, imperceptible passage of days, or shake ups, break ups, and putting it back together again seeming chaos. I believe that's why we're taught to build our foundation on Christ - because He is the only thing that doesn't change, and can hold us steady during the waves and wonders of life on this earth. I learned long ago not to fear change. It's not that I don't care, it's just that: 1. I have faith that if the Lord brings me to it, He'll bring me through it, and this is nothing compared to the last move I made, 2. I do understand the nature of the 21st century workforce, and that things are always changing and will keep on changing until I retire, and probably beyond even that, and 3. This reinforces my belief in the importance of a well balanced life - because I have other things in my life that are more under my discretion and are in a fairly good place, this transition really doesn't bother me much. In other words, it's going to take a lot more than this to scare me, especially considering how often I've been in this place.
The truth is that I am kind of excited about this move. It's not major like the last one, and seeing as I'm a total science and technology nerd, being in a group of more earth and science based programs is right up my ally. I learned a lot being with the architects and engineers, and I appreciate the experience I gained and all that I learned there, but there's something exciting about starting with a clean slate and learning something new. Growing is good. Learning is good. Expanding your horizons is good. Yes, my office space is shrinking, but heck, I won't need all that space for file storage any more anyway since these boards are mostly digital (which I love, because I so hate paper). Things have a way of working out, and I already trust that they will and in fact are in the process of doing just that. Sure, moving is a pain, but it will pass. It always does. And I've gotten pretty efficient at it.
So change is in the air, but it's all good. I'm excited. And of course, my writing will continue, as it has through each and every one of the other changes that have happened over the past nearly 15 years since I started on that adventure. Funny thing is, each change seems to stretch my muse to new creative frontiers as well, so this is looking like a win-win situation for me. Hmm, maybe being more in earth and science stuff will really get the sci-fi writing thing going for me even more than it is now. I'd really like that! Wow, talking about all things working together for good. Here's hoping I'm right on that one!
That's all today. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.