You know I love books. If you ask people what I like, books is always the #2 answer behind birds. I’ve always loved reading and writing. My parents encouraged it in me from birth, and my great aunt left me a bookcase and all of her books when she passed when I was eight. Books have always been a part of my life. I write them, I read them, and Lord willing I hope to even move on to editing and/or proofreading them in retirement.
Some people are particular about how they read, but I’m not. I love ereaders and audio books, but I won’t say no to a paperback or hardback book, either. Stories are stories, and they can come in a number of ways.
But don’t limit it to a day! If you love reading, then you have a golden opportunity to do it for a good cause. The American Cancer Association is hosting the “Read Every Day in May” Virtual Challenge on Facebook. I’ve joined and am thrilled to connect with other readers who believe in helping with finding a cure for this demon that takes far too many people far too soon. Check it out by clicking here. I’m reading The Stand for my challenge. It makes sense to reread the book that inspired me to be a writer, and that’s inspired my current work in progress in particular. But I will be reading it in ebook format. My paperback copy from high school tore up years ago, and I replaced it with a digital edition. My Kindle is much lighter and easier to hold and carry that that massive tome! A great read, but heavy - literally!
Let's celebrate! Grab a book and escape reality. Here are a few more of my favorites I recommend:
- Planetfall Series, by Emma Newman. This one is another inspiration for my novel-in-progress. I gave this series another read earlier this year.
- Upgrade, by Blake Crouch.
- Mars Trilogy, by Kim Stanley Robinson. There are a lot of books on colonizing Mars, and this is one of the best. This one may be due for another read soon.
- Death in Holy Orders, by P.D. James. I love all of her books, but this was the first book by her that I read, and it still stands out as one of the best.
- Here Comes the Night, by Linda McDonald. A fast paced thriller that even my husband read and enjoyed.
That’s all today. Take care and have a great week.