I'll give you this: you put up a valiant fight. But despite your efforts to bury me in busy, to inspire everybody and everything around me that "this is the perfect time to do EVERYTHING!" Despite efforts to distract me with problems and sidetrack me with issues, despite aggrivating people and circumstances, despite problems and attitudes: I win.
Metamorphosis is published.
Final edits on Emergence are done.
First revisions on Trigger and Joy on the Journey are complete.
You tried to distract me and steal my time every way possible, but I didn't allow it. Simply stated, I'm stubborn. It meant getting up early, staying up late, working through lunches and breaks, and even stealing some when I was supposed to be doing other things (and when and where that happened is none of your business). But it's done.
I haven't face resistance to my writing like this since I wrote Splinter. One (or more) of these projects must really be pissing the devil off. Well, it's my pleasure to do that. And despite the resistance, it's done. Resistance wasn't futile. It was extremely productive this time. I'm pretty darn proud of that.
So take that. I win. You lose.
That's all today. Take care on these Holy Days, and have a wonderful Easter.