Yea, we know it. We know how the imagery is applied to dealing with life trials too. No need to repeat it here.
I think COVID-19 has put many of us in a place where we feel like we're hanging from a tree branch, waiting for the time to emerge. Quarantine certainly forced us into a cocoon, and while we are venturing out somewhat with safety precautions (masks, social distancing, etc), I daresay that I don't believe I'd quite call this an emergence yet. The metamorphosis isn't done for us. In fact, it will likely be a while longer before the world goes back to something where we don't fear the virus getting us. It took two years with the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918, and with cases rising again I think history is definitely repeating itself.
So here we are, hanging from a tree branch, wondering what to make of life in this crazy time. Wondering what the point is. Wondering what will become of us and the world once this passes. It will pass - we just don't know when, or what we'll be once it does.
I had a couple of disappointments hit me this week. I had hoped to enter my rose cutting cross stitch in the State Fair this year. I actually planned to enter it last year, but that two phase bout of conjunctivitis had my eyes messed up for four and a half months, and I wasn't able to complete it in time. I did finish and frame it just before COVID-19 and all the restrictions hit in March, but to no avail, as the State Fair was reduced to a drive-through event to get food and no competition exhibits this year. So not only am I grieving over missing it last year, but now it's been canned this year too because of COVID. Bummer.
Then I got hit again when I was checking my fall schedule, and learned that the Christmas Craftsman Classic, a huge craft show that Mom and I attend every year in November, has been cancelled. I was really disappointed by that, because I love that show! It's something I look forward to every year. We were lucky to make their spring show in March - like the cross stitch, that show was the first weekend of the month and was just before things shut down. I'm very glad we went now. It looks like it will be a while before that returns.
Everybody else has been complaining about missing haircuts and vacations, and I'm lamenting my art. I guess there are advantages to being a boring middle-age person. I haven't had any major life events displaced. Just the small things that mean a lot.
Of course I understand why these things were reduced and cancelled. We do need to take proper precautions. It's just like I always say about not appreciating how much those little things mean until they too are disrupted. I'm sure both the State Fair and the Christmas Classic will be back, and we'll rejoice and appreciate it with a full heart of gratitude. Whenever that is.
Until then, here I am hanging on the tree branch, waiting on the Lord to work. All you can really do is have faith in times like these, and do what you can. So I continue to work on my writing, and my current cross stitch project, and plug along every day. That's what the tree branch is about, I suppose. Just hanging in there and doing your best in faith that one day, all will emerge into beautiful blessings tomorrow. It's not exciting, but in reality it does matter. Small things today, big results tomorrow. Isn't that how life goes?
That's all today. Take care. Have a happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.