It’s alright. In fact, the truth is that it’s probably best for us to ask ourselves why we do things the way we do them from time to time whether we face a change or not, just to make sure we’re operating the best we can. We usually don’t do this (after all, if it isn’t broke, then why fix it?) and when we do, it’s usually minor changes that we make. That’s alright, because sometimes the smallest things have the biggest impact.
And truthfully, other people are probably more aware of our habits than we are ourselves. That is, after all, what a habit is – something we do unconsciously because we’ve learned it works. We don’t notice it ourselves until we get to a point where it doesn’t work, and then we wonder why – like what’s been happening to me this week. The game has changed, and so the game plan must change too.
It’s alright. It’s good to learn new things, and frankly I’m glad for the opportunity. I did realize going in that it would be a learning curve, but I hadn’t thought about how it would change my day to day routine. And because of processing all of this, I haven’t worked on my novel at all this week. I guess the day job wins this week! Hey, it’s all good. I know the inspiration will come back, and these changes may be just what I need to give the novel (and even the whole trilogy) just what it needs to really pop. I’m a big believer in all things working together for good, so I know that this will. Still, though, I am tired and so glad it's the weekend. Definitely a TGIF today!
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.