You were bold enough to tell somebody to hurt themselves privately. Now do the right thing and publicly own your crap. You did this. As my parrot says: STEP UP! Stop hiding and show your face. Explain yourself. Defend yourself, if you can. And better yet, tell us all what the hell your problem is. Tell us why you hate yourself so much that you're telling others to hate themselves. And get under a psychiatrist, for goodness sake. Anybody who believes it's ok to tell somebody they’re worthless and to join this herd mentality needs mental help! That's not cool at all. That's nothing but Satan working in you. Scoff if you must, but you know it's true. That's pure evil.
I told you to get off my list on Facebook. The indie community doesn't tolerate this crap. We will never rise to the ranks of the traditional industry if we lower ourselves to their "exclusive" crap. Furthermore, anybody who believes they're better than others isn't. Deep down you know it, and you're trying to delude yourself into believing a lie.
Now for everybody else, ladies especially. It's ok to get mad. In fact, a lot of good can come from being mad. It's a "high energy" emotion that can propel you into action, if channeled properly. Sure, you might not make the best decisions immediately in the heat of it, but give yourself a few days. Strategy comes. If you can't beat them - actually, you can. It takes some perspective and strategy. Give yourself time. With stewing and cooling down comes wisdom. Comes ideas. Comes inspiration. Comes better things. And meanwhile, as you give yourself to steam, to let it out, to blow it off, to calm down, and to heal, the bullies can swallow their own poison. Let them choke on it, wondering when your hammer will fall.
So to the bullies, own your behavior and step up. And to the victims, go ahead and get pissed off, finally! Don't let them win. They don't deserve it. In fact, fighting back is the last thing they expect. So do it. Open wide and breathe that fire. Be the dragon.
That's all today. Take care, and have a good week.