I know you say I can't understand because I haven't been there, and you're right. But I can still care, and I do. Sometimes, you need a little help from your friends. And the truth is that even if you do have a good family, they can't be everything to you all the time. You need friends. You need peers and an extended network to support you. People were created to be in relationships with one another, and that isn't limited to blood. Caring knows no bounds.
People suck. God knows, they can let you down, and it seems those closest to you can stick the knife in the deepest. I think that's why God gave us extended relatives, friends, colleagues, and a vast network that can, with the Internet, literally stretch all over the world.
Nobody's perfect, and we all get plenty of practice in the struggle with forgiveness and setting boundaries. But I will say this: all it takes to get my support is a good heart. I'm not one that can be bribed by favors, goodies, or flattery. Rick isn't either. Words are meaningless to us. We try to see the heart and honest intentions. If you're really and truly trying to do what's right with best intentions, you have a trustworthy friend in us. We do value people more than things, or position, or power. People are what matter. And you don't have to be blood to mean the world to us. Just last night, we were talking about how we missed seeing a couple that we haven't been able to see in a while due to schedule conflicts.
Today, I'd like to tell all of our friends out there that we do care and love you. We don't say it much, but we want you to know that we're here if you need us. Maybe we do or don't "get it," but we certainly want to support you. We promise we'll try to suck a little less for our friends!
So to the members of Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, to Joe and Elizabeth, to Chris and Jackie, to extended family, to colleagues past and present and the connections we've made with counterparts in other agencies, states, or even countries, to my writing buddies, to our followers on Twitter, Facebook, Google, Goodreads, and everywhere online - we love you guys! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that the Holiday season is merry, bright, and festive for you.
Geeze, for a hermit in the woods, we sure know a lot of people. I guess that's what happens when you leave the house.
Take care all, and have a great week. Safe travels to those of you heading home from Thanksgiving adventures today.