I'm sad to hear the show will be ending, even if the big finale is still two years away. But then again, I also realize something: part of being awesome is knowing when it's time to quit and let something else take the spotlight. There really is a season for everything, and prudence is knowing when that season is coming to a close, and to give it your best in letting it wind down to a satisfying (and awesome) end. You want to be remembered for delivering your best, not scoffed off as a joke.
I think the same applies to real life. We all have experience with the "drama queens" that always have something going on that needs to be the center of attention. They're everywhere, folks. We live in a world consumed with image and attention, and some people fall for it hook, line and sinker. They don't realize that the 90's song about all that glitters is sure to fade is absolutely true. Nothing shines forever. The world is fickle, and in the end, they'll always find something else interesting. That's why what's popular is called a "trend."
I've seen a number of posts on social media lately urging people to veer away from this, like "in a world full of Kardashians, be a Hepburn" (or something similar). These posts make a good point. The thing that really stands out in crowds screaming for attention is to move away from the crowd and be authentic. I know that I personally don't care if anybody ever remembers my name from my books. I want them to remember the book and tell other people "hey, I read this great book titled Move, and it really made me think about how I react to change. I love it!" or something similar to that. Think about this:Game of Thrones is the most popular show on television, but it comes on HBO and doesn't advertise outside of that a lot. How did you hear about it? I heard about it from coworkers that watch the show, and other fans on social media. The best things don't scream for attention. They build it slowly by proving that they're good enough to earn it through unique and excellent work. You can't stand out if you're screaming and creating drama like everybody else is.
My point is that we will all have our time in the spotlight, and we should enjoy it graciously. But most of life is lived in the periphery, the humdrum, the small details of every day. I talked about how that is special in my last post, and I encourage you to find the blessing in it as well. Believe me, you don't want to be Little Miss Everything. I went through a season where I was several years ago, and it couldn't end fast enough. I was on the top of the world, and I hated my life and myself there. I sure am glad to be out of that spotlight, and hope to never be in it again! There really is a lot special about living a simply joyful and peaceful life every day.
That's all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.