Discovery #1 - Roles can turn quickly. You may remember that I was "reorganized" at work a year and a half ago. Well, importing two new programs and a retirement has resulted from me being the new kid in the group, to the long-timer! I often wondered how moves and reorganizations kept me as "the new kid" for the past seventeen years, and now things have flipped; and quickly! We already have one new employee that started for some new programs we got in our group in April, and we have another new one starting next week. Suddenly, I'm a mentor. And it's shocking, because I never had one, so I have nothing to go off of. All I can do is show them the right way. I hope it's enough.
Discovery #2 - Religious affiliation is nothing but a name without action to back it up. Ok, this isn't a new discovery, but I mention it because it was reinforced this week when (once again) an agnostic friend has been more communicative and supportive than a friend that proudly claims to be "Bible-believing Christian." In fact, it just occurred to me that the agnostic has never once said "I'm busy" to us, and makes a point to check in on us at least twice a week.
Discovery #3 - But names can have power. Today would have been just another rainy, windy day if they didn't give it the name "Hermine" and call it a tropical system. At any rate, Hermine has caused a tremendous amount of anxiety around here. Thankfully, the reality wasn't so bad for us, at least up to now. We've been lucky.
Life's like that sometimes. It gets weird, and you come to expect the unexpected. It's no wonder I'm a writer!
That's all today. Take care, and have a great weekend.