For example, I hired an editorial editor for Singularity, and just got back some valuable advice to improve that manuscript. The good news is that she didn’t hate it. In fact, she enjoyed it and said that I'm higher on the scale when it comes to the range of writing skills she sees. That’s encouraging. It’s good to know that you don’t suck as a writer and that it’s worth the work. Now I’m working on updating that draft with her suggestions.
While waiting for her feedback, I updated the categories and keywords for my published novels, cleaned them up, set up my “reader magnets,” and started an email newsletter and ARC Group (Advanced Review Committee). If interested in the reader magnets (free ebooks), click the main page and sign up for my email group. Newsletters will be released every 6-8 weeks, the freebies will rotate seasonally, you’ll get advance access and notice of sales, and the ARC group will get a free copy of my upcoming release to rate and review on Amazon, Goodreads, and everywhere else you like 4-6 weeks before the release date.
It’s good work, and I’ve learned a lot. Hopefully, I’m becoming a better writer and connecting with readers better. I should have done the email newsletter and ARC group years ago. But better late than never. Honestly, I doubted my ability to do that, and am glad I finally found the confidence to just go for it and do it.
We shall see. It is work, and you win some and lose some. For example, I learned the perils to “writing for market” yesterday when a story I wrote for a particular publication was declined. That was disappointing. I hoped it was something they’d like, but those are the breaks. There are other markets I can submit to, and I’ll get on that after I finish the rewrites to Singularity and get that back to the editor for round 2. She’s going to help me with the blurb too, which is a miracle. Writers hate blurbs, and we’ll take all the help we can get!
There is good news: I took Zack and Bubbles to the vet for their annual “well check” yesterday, and they both got a clean bill of health. The vet said Zack is impressive and in great shape, Bubbles is a beautiful ball of energy, and we’re taking great care of these beautiful birds. They celebrated with McDonalds French fries. Mommy and Daddy celebrated with McDonalds milkshakes.
That’s all today. I’m keeping busy, learning, and improving, which in turn makes me happy. I hope your summer is off to a great start (forget the calendar; it’s summer, in our corner of the world!). Take care, and have a great week.