Question: is this the new “New World Order,” or do I have my conspiracy theories mixed up?
What struck me about the article is the state of paranoia that we all seem to be living in these days. The left believes President Trump is destroying the nation. The right believes the liberals are destroying the nation. Well, at least we agree on the concept of national destruction. There’s no doubt that things aren’t what they once were. The world I grew up in is gone, and I think that’s the thing that’s really alarming us: the rapid rate of change, and no having a good handle on it. Thank technology for that, not the government. And furthermore, I think we’re all looking to the government to fix societal issues that we could fix ourselves without political intervention.
We complain about a decline in civility, but it doesn’t require an act of Congress to be a better person. I talked about five things in my last blog entry that would help us interact in a better manner and reduce the miscommunications that often get in the way of effective action and building strong relationships. It also doesn’t require a law to take your head out of your phone and listen to somebody. It doesn’t require a mandate to consider the opinions of others and not get offended because they don’t agree with you. It doesn’t require a protest to have a civilized conversation and compromise to come to cooperative agreements, instead of demanding victory or failure as an end result of everything. You don’t need an advanced degree to build friendship and trust with other people in every area of life.
I won’t deny that the government has plenty of problems. They often make decisions that make it clear that they don’t live in the same reality as their constituents. Nobody’s perfect, and the system breeds inefficiency in many ways. But I also don’t think they have the patience and organization to be influenced by a “Deep State.” If anything is controlling our politicians, it’s campaign funding. Money runs everything, except what it doesn’t like health, happiness, love and wisdom. And those are personal things that only the individual can control. I’ve discussed this in other blogs and in Joy on the Journey. But the power that runs society is definitely money. Every connection goes back to those fat stacks of green. Honestly, I fear infectious bacteria more than the Deep State. I’m pretty sure it could kill aliens, too, like in War of the Worlds. Perhaps some lab in an underground bunker is researching that. Or maybe it’s a good writing idea.
Conspiracy theories do amuse me greatly, but Hitler’s necromancer army during World War II is still my favorite. They may be the test subjects for a bacteria-based biological weapon. Aren’t they still supposed to be around?
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.