What is The Roost? It's a blog about the birds, by and for bird lovers. You'll find stories, tips, and advice on the best, fun, and exciting ways to share your life and home with birds. You'll have fun learning and sharing experiences with other bird lovers in a hangout that's gone to the birds! Find us on Twitter at @TheRoost10 and Instagram at theroostonline
So bird-loving friends, watch for it later this week! And all others, The Roost and this blog will be my non-fiction ventures for the time being. I'm out of writing non-fiction books right now, as my fiction is doing much better. Funny thing, it seemed to really spike since Friday! I may write another non-fiction novel someday, but for now the fiction is selling better and gaining traction, so that's where the focus for novels will be.
Speaking of fiction, the beta reads are complete on The Tenth Dimension. I can't thank both beta readers enough for their feedback, as it was valuable advice that already has the muse at work for improvements. They'll definitely get a "thank you" in the acknowledgements! Writers, I can't stress this enough: get beta readers for your manuscript. They're great, and you can find them on Goodreads and Facebook groups. Best of all, they'll usually do it for free, or a reciprocal beta read, because they love books. But don't we all? Isn't that why you're here? To see what's feeding my muse?
Answer: potentially everything. Or nothing. It depends on the nature of life, and the perception of the muse. And mine is certainly a character!
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.