It’s not like I actually want this medicine. Dayquil and Nightquil are worth the ID hassle, but managing the “healing symptoms” are where it’s irritating. The inhaler doesn’t always do the job of opening my bronchial tubes enough to stop the post-nasal drainage cough, so I resort to cough drops and syrup, both of which taste nasty. Dimetap was the only cough medicine that didn’t taste awful, but the meth heads got the government to take that option off the table, and many others, as well. There’s not much relief for those who suffer from sinus and allergy issues. They claim it’s not that difficult, but it makes no sense that decongestants are under more restrictions over the counter than they were with a prescription.
On the other hand, there are some advantages to being sick and recovering from an illness. I couldn’t exercise, so I was able to finish the extension on the rough draft or Joy on the Journey, my follow up book to Battleground Earth, and to do more work on my Halloween short story book. I also noticed that my workload drastically decreased as the week progressed. My colleagues don’t like the cough. You’d think they’d know this is normal for me by now, but then again my colleagues at my last workplace never got used to it after eleven years. People in stores tend to keep a fair distance away, too.
Oh well. As if people don’t confound me by being so normal sometimes.
We all have health issues. I know most people don’t get how something like a cold can turn into this whole big healing process to me, but it is what it is. There are people struggling with much worse out there. And annoying as it is (to me and others), it’s not that bad. I’ll take the cough over just about anything else! Plus, the birds can’t catch illness from humans, so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about Zack, Chloe, and Bubbles catching this from us!
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.