It’s worth the work. I’m willing to do it and even enjoy the process of writing, publishing, and promoting my work. When you love books, you don’t mind doing what you’ve got to do to bring it to readers. You have to. Otherwise, it would burn you out in a hurry.
As it is, I am ready for a break of sorts. I’ll promote and continue to blog, of course, but I’m holding off on any more big writing projects until 2015. I need some time to keep what I’ve published moving during the busy holiday season, and frankly my poor muse needs a vacation. I was working him even while we were in Washington D.C., since part of Fracture takes place there and the ideas kept coming even on the ‘vacation’ portions of the trip. I’m wrapping up the writing year with a fun project titled “Halloween in Anipal Land” over at the Conure Corner blog for our Twitter pals. I plan to conclude that silly tale on Halloween, and then turn my muse loose for a vacation of his own and myself on promotion, editing, blogging, rest, and living my life as close to normal as possible. I know I’ll be ready to go on book 2 of The Earthside Trilogy once 2015 dawns.
That’s all today. I hope you have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.