It’s blessedly boring these days, and I'm grateful for it. After the chaotic summer that I had, boring is just what the doctor ordered and I really needed it. I’ve never understood why some people are addicted to stirring up drama, or staying on the go constantly. Life brings you enough of all that. I certainly don’t have time for it if it’s avoidable!
I know it’s cool to roll your eyes, sigh deeply, and say “I’m so busy!” while you rush away from the people asking how you’re doing. It implies that you’re important and don’t have time for anything but what you deem worthy. I truly pity that, because when life is farming out pieces of yourself then you can’t have any true “peace” in your life.
Then again, that’s just my perspective after coming though a tough season of life. I live a real life and am not
ashamed of who I am, what I am, or what my life is. I’ve worked hard to create it, and pray that I’m a testimony of authenticity and contentment. My recent loss has driven home the fact (even more) that I am what I am by the grace of God, and that I am exactly where I need to be. And honestly, that’s a pretty good place. I don’t need to be a master of the universe, or to have a perfect life. I see that what is already is perfect for me, and I find contentment in that.
I could do without the grief, of course, but no life is perfect. Grief is something that all of us go through repeatedly, and it helps us to grow. I know it’s helped me to mature in some ways (that were badly needed), and I think it’s even helped me to seem more “real” to more people since I can relate to more now than I could before. Life ebbs and flows. You can’t appreciate the blessings of the flow unless you have the perspective from the ebb. It’s impossible for a life to be full if you deny or hide half of what it is. Not that I’m saying you have to advertise everything that happens to you, but you should at least be honest and authentic about it.
I think a lot of finding peace and contentment comes from that. It’s going to always be some darn thing. The secret is realizing how much it matters. Work stress and other life issues to keep it rolling seem pretty insignificant if everybody is healthy and humming along as normal (and without major issues). Honestly, I’m glad to have that perspective. I’m coming up on a deadline that comes up every other year at work, and let me tell you that this time is much different than last time. Two years ago, it was a chaotic, stressful mess. Now – nobody’s sick or dying, so we’ll be ok. It will happen. It’s not worth anxiety, frustration, headaches, and lost sleep. I pray I keep this perspective forever. It came at a high price, and I don’t want to lose it.
I think that’s normal on the backside of tragedy. You realize what matters and appreciate even what seems mundane. And I need mundane now, very much. I feel like Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit – no adventures! I need peace right now. Boring is welcome. Routine is welcome. It’s healing me, and I am embracing it and giving thanks for it as much as I can.
I’m not idle. Actually, I’m getting ready to embark on a major rewrite of The Sentience Series in November. That will be my focus for November: to get Domino (Book One) in a good final form based on the final review that I received last week, and to get some solid rewrites on the other three novellas in the series. Writers have to prepare to dive into these major projects, and having a full time job requires a lot of organization to make sure you keep it all rolling and on track. Life doesn’t stop because you’re writing. The key is to do what you can to set things up right, stay organized, and keep people and things from screaming too loud while you’re in your own little world.
In other words, keep it boring. Dear universe: this is not a challenge. If you’re reaching for the stirring stick, I break it in the power of the Holy Spirit. We don’t have time for that. We have stuff to do.
Boring stuff to do in quiet and out of sight, which is ok. Who wants to be the center of attention all the time? That’s exhausting. To me, it’s better to be free and walk the path before you – no matter how dull it may seem.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.