I’d say life is bleeding us out now. And we’re all seeing who’s real and who’s full of crap right now, too, because pressure draws out something else: drama. Or at least, you find out who’s a spotlight hog and who’s prone to logic in times like these. Truth always reveals itself, and it’s usually at times like these when there’s no place to hide. You see who’s the love and compassion lighting your way, and who’s the black hole that sucks you dry and gives nothing in return. In turn, you see where your energy should be so you can get the hell out of the event horizon of a vacuum and go toward the light. And you don’t forget it, even when the whole mess is over.
That’s the one inconvenient fact that too many people forget. Masks can’t be put back on once they fall off. That’s why character bleeds with pressure. Once it’s tapped, you can’t ooze it back in. It’s out there for the whole world to see.
You also learn a lot about yourself in times like these. You learn how tough you really are; and how well you stand up to the pressure. You see if you’ve really grown as much as you think you have. It’s the truest test of progress and maturity. If you do better holding your center in this trial than you did the last, then you’re good. If not, you know the targets for improvement.
I’m very happy right now that I read The Secret a few weeks ago. What I learned has been a tremendous help with coping, and has helped me to keep a better balance than I have in the past. Certainly, I’ve still had my not flattering moments, but I do hope that I’m doing better at capturing the anxious or worried thoughts and replacing them with prayers of hope and healing – and not just for me and my family, but for everybody who’s struggling right now.
If you’re struggling right now, let me offer you encouragement and hope. Look outside at everything blooming right now. That’s life – all that green and blue and color is everything in the world alive, and where there’s life, there’s hope. We all struggle and you certainly aren’t alone. Don’t allow yourself to be defeated. Stop looking down, where things die and are buried, and look up to the sun, where things live and breathe and hope. Change your focus from your worry to your hope.
If you’re doing well, I congratulate you. Nobody wants to rain on your parade, and you certainly deserve to enjoy good fortune. Just don’t forget compassion for those who aren’t on the mountaintop with you. Taking a moment to offer a word in season will multiply your blessings and keep you in the sun.
And if you’re just plugging along on the journey, take hope in both. Laugh with those who laugh, and mourn with those who mourn. You’re heading one way or the other. Err on the side of caution by bestowing good, positive energy on all. Whether you’re a companion or a comfort, you can’t go wrong.
We’ll be fine. Things happen and there’s no use fretting over the why’s. There’s a pretty good chance the answer will never come (certainly not to our satisfaction), so it’s best to get alright with the unanswered questions. “Time and chance happen to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11), so as it hurts, so shall it heal and give way to joy in due time. Life is always in motion. That’s why it’s called a journey. So let’s bleed out our truth, heal, become better people, and make sure we’re moving in the right direction, now and always.
That’s all today. Take care and have a great rest of the week.