Maybe I did ...
Anyway, I realized something as I was driving home from work today. I have four and a half more weeks in this cyborg boot. It can be awkward, or I can choose to be awesome anyway. If people are going to stare, at least I can show them that it's possible to rise above your circumstances. Isn't that what we're supposed to do anyway? One thing that came to me repeatedly when I first broke the foot is that we often make the excuse to wait for circumstances to change when in fact, the Lord wants us to rise above our circumstances and be the agent of change that we desire. When the going gets tough (literally, in my case), we can awkwardly wait, or we can awesomely rise.
You know I always choose awesome. Why not? What have I got to lose? And on the bright side, the miracle of healing is happening RIGHT NOW! Do you realize that I'm 1/3 healed now? I'll be halfway healed Sunday. And come early November, the foot won't be broken any more AT ALL!
Yes, it hurts. Yes, I'm insisting on plugging along. What choice do I have? Life doesn't give you a 6 week sabbatical. You do the best you can. And frankly, I've done a lot despite this foot. I finished another draft of The Earthside Trilogy, I wrote another Anipal Land adventure for the Conure Corner blog, I'm about halfway done with my current cross stitch in progress and, with Rick's help, the house is in good shape and we're keeping it running smoothly. In fact, I find myself able to do more. See, a broken foot isn't the end of the world. It's like Falcon said in Captain America - The Winter Soldier: I do what you do, just slower.
Slower's ok. I'm rocking it, and you better believe I'll keep on being as awesome as I can be not just in my cyborg boot, but always. It's how I roll.
That's all today. Take care, and have a great week.