Naturally, Domino has evolved since I came up with the initial concept early last year. It started as a journal story about cyberbullying, but has expanded to a bigger story about an AI project gone rogue and the repercussions of trying to cover it up. I suppose you could say that the element of bullying is still there, given the overbearing nature of one of the characters, but it’s fallen to more of a subplot than a main plot. That might disappoint some people who hoped I would follow the cyberbullying theme, but I have to go where the story takes me, and it took me to a slightly different stage. Sometimes the story and/or characters take you to different places than you plan, and that’s ok. That’s how writing goes – and frankly, these are the times where it’s most exciting.
I was disappointed when I discovered that the concept for Domino wasn’t big enough for a novel until I had another idea that I believe has potential to evolve into another trilogy. This bigger idea involves an insidious alien presence (because I love aliens) and the evolution of AI (artificial intelligence) revealing this presence. This may or may not tie in with the work I’m doing on Domino right now. Whether Domino turns out to be a prequel of sorts for this bigger work, or whether I simply use some of the same research remains to be seen. I’m open either way. For now, I’m working on Domino as an independent project and will make the decision whether to link these projects later.
It’s great to be writing again because honestly, life without writing is boring. I don’t know how people do it. But then again, I’m a writer, so that’s what I do. If I don’t write, life doesn’t feel right. Promotional work has been great the past four months, and I probably did need a break after finishing Earthside. But it’s time to get back to writing new projects and designing new worlds. I’m excited about that! I'm a writer, and a writer's gotta write! Life just isn't right if you don't.
That’s all today. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.