That's the text that's going to send Ruby Josen back to Tanger Falls, Tennessee, to set things right. Yes folks, you heard me right. I'm going to do it. I'm going to write a sequel to Move in 2014.
If you read my Twitter and Facebook posts on Friday, then you know that I didn't exactly leap for joy at the concept. The idea that I things still weren't right in Tanger Falls came to me while I was making brownies for our Christmas luncheon at work. "No!" I said, while stirring the mix, "let's not go there!" I'm not a big fan of series or sequels. Not unless it's a big sci-fi or fantasy concept that can't be reasonably contained in a single novel. Otherwise, it seems a not too clever ploy to sell more books. Just keep dragging it out to "trap" readers into having to read everything you write. Readers don't like to be tricked. Most of them don't have time for stunts like that. And frankly, I feel that once I'm done with my characters, they can't take anymore and still be somewhat psychologically stable. I put them through it without mercy. But then, Thursday night, here comes more to that story.
I passed it off. I got up Friday and not only was it still there, but things started forming. Ideas and situations to bring things back. And yesterday and today, it's still forming. Things are still coming. Oh crap, we're really gonna do this "here's your next novel" reveal NOW? While I'm promoting Splinter? While Incursion still needs to be finished? Over the holidays? But isn't that the way. It always comes to you when you least expect it. Or at least, when you're bogged down in other writing projects, or life itself, or both. It's never when you have writer's block. It's always when you're up to your eyeballs with busy schedules and other writing projects and promotions - those points when you're a millimeter from losing your mind.
I talked to Rick about it, and he said the ending to Move left just enough to leave it alone, or pick it up. He even said I might have a series here, if I want. I really bristled at that, but there's no denying one thing: yes, we are going to do this now. I'm going back to Tanger Falls in 2014, and it will probably be out sometime in 2015. I'll undoubtedly self-published this one like I did Move because my publishers weren't crazy about the mystery/urban fantasy mix, but that's what it has to be to work.
So back I go. Back to Ruby and Simone and Tanger Falls. Back to researching djinn and figuring out exactly how I'm going to work this. But I will work it. I accept the challenge. I'll do it. And we'll see where it leads us from here.
Three days, folks. It took me three days to go from "hell no" to "ok, I'll write it." Once it started, this one wouldn't stop. Better to accept it than fight it, especially when the brainstorming is happening with or without my consent. But no worries, b
I hope you have a good week and you don't have fictional characters and places driving you crazy like I do. Happy holidays, eh? As if reality isn't insane enough, now I have a world I created myself coming unraveled. Oh, the joys of being a writer.
That's all today.