It's amazing where inspiration comes from. Shatterpoint was spurred by a trip to a Christian Bookstore a few weeks ago, and to tell you the truth, my muse has been quite busy every since. It seems that ideas are everywhere, and I'm finding stories all over the place. In addition to Shatterpoint, I've also started a fun project over at Conure Corner titled "Invasion on Anipal Land." It's what I call "the ultimate bird fairy tale," and it features many of our Twitter pals. So far, they're loving it. Swing by at the hyperlink if you're interested. I posted Installment 4 today, and there's one more installment due out, probably on Tuesday. I don't plan to publish that - it's just a fun project that Rick and I thought would be good for the bird blog.
I also wrote two short stories last week. One's a flash fiction piece titled 5:00 over at Readwave. The other is a short story that's still in progress called "Dedication" over at It was inspired by seeing the same car parked outside an abandoned building in our office complex for a week. That one is still in rough draft format and needs work, but I welcome feedback from the community. Again, it's just a fun writing exercise for me to hone my skills.
Today, I started another round of edits on Obsidian. I figured I may as well keep going since I have the momentum up and things are flowing well. I tell you, it might seem like I'm in my own little world(s) to others, but these are the times writer's like. Writing ideas all over the place when things are relatively settled in life - what more can you ask for? It's a blessing I'm definitely grateful for.
In other news, the foot is on the slow healing process from plantar fasciia. At least it's not getting any worse, which is good, but I am trying to take care of it. I appreciate all the well wishes, too. It will heal. I actively keep that in mind, especially on occasions when it acts up. Heck, it might be the only thing on WebMD that doesn't end in death :) Rick is helping me out a lot around the house too, which no doubt is helping with the healing. He helped me clean the house and get groceries this weekend, and every day he helps me with all the other things that go into keeping a house running, in order, and relatively sane. I appreciate it so much. He's the best!
The birds are doing good. Heck, they think they're famous with this fairy tale on their blog, and they're enjoying it. We've all had a tremendous amount of fun with that one. More bird stories may be in order in the future!
So that's what's up with me. I hope you're doing well. Take care, and have a great week.