I wonder how many people this was a revelation to. It’s certainly one of life’s uncomfortable truths, and I’m curious as to how many people caught that powerful statement. Most people run from that. They deny that things are even broken, and are so intent on “making it right” that they don’t realize that’s impossible. You can’t. As this discourse continued, “the only way is to build something new.”
Ironically, somebody asked me what my writing is about earlier this week, and I told her “rebuilding broken reality.” I’ve certainly had my reality shattered over the past four years, and I think it’s fair to say that most of the world had similar experiences since 2020. And recently, Hurricane Helene hit the Southeast, and while we were lucky there were many who weren’t and are staring at devastation they couldn’t imagine. I started to reflect this in The Earthside Trilogy, and it became more powerful in The Sentience Series, Broken Time, and Singularity. We do not live in the same world that we grew up in. Advances in technology, increasing population and development, and climate change are just a few things that have a hand in that. We don’t even live in the same world we lived in five years ago, thanks to COVID coming on the scene. It’s all changed. And while a lot of people in power insist on “going back,” I think they fail to see the fundamental truth that it’s too broken to go back to. Yes, some things survived, but the pieces don’t fit where they used to. Some fit elsewhere. Some don’t fit at all. Some are destroyed. And some need to be forged anew.
We need to learn that hammering the wrong things only breaks it more, and to direct our work and energy to creating something new that works with the reality that remains.
I’ll admit, it’s hard. It’s painful, and sometimes it’s difficult to believe. But this is the nature of the world we live in, and the way forward is to find the strength to build. Not rebuild, but BUILD SOMETHING NEW. We need to invoke some creative power in the light of this new creation to find what still works, and construct something different that will make a present that can launch us into a better future. It won’t be what we imagined, but that’s ok. The Lord’s ways are always better, and we can be assured that it will be more than we could have imagined for ourselves.
Too often we sell ourselves short. It’s time to stand up, to accept the broken reality, and to start building our future intentionally.
That’s all today. Take care. Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.